Accreditation Program

This accreditation program is designed to help you facilitate and support the implementation of IoweU™ approaches and tools across the Henley & Partners organization.

The program combines zoom workshops led by David Lambert, coupled with online resources.  To enable you and learners to put the techniques and tools into practice in future conversations, eight application canvases are included.

To get the most from the limited workshop time, it is important that you complete all pre- and post-workshop activities..

Pre-workshop 1
Complete prior to first Zoom meeting

The first workshop will focus on three areas:

- Measuring relationship strength and how to move relationships

- Understanding and flexing behaviors

- Getting meetings and setting the conversation environment using the I We You framwork

To make the best use of our time together, please work through the following two learning programs ahead of the session.

Please also:

- Complete the meeting diagnostic at for 3 of your key relationships and bring the results to the workshop

- Complete your Prefrr© diagnostic and bring your results to the workshop

- Download and read the notes below describing the characteristics attaching to scores in each behavior category, together with related tips

  • A Value Sheet is not a form filling exercise.
  • What is written mirrors the thought process and discussion.
  • Value Sheets can be used in a variety of conversations and meetings.

  • Accreditation Workshop 1 - Relationships, trust and behaviors

    Below we note the key content for the first accreditation workshop and the four Application Canvases introduced in the workshop.

    If you wish, before the workshop, you can take a look below at the canvases that we will cover.
    Please note that this is optional.  We will run through each canvas in the workshop.

    Walk through the Evaluate relationships and build trust canvas.
    Discuss the Trust Equation and calculate a trust score.
    Discuss indicators of self-orientation.

    Walk through the Aligning behaviors with Prefrr© canvas
    Estimate Prefrr© scores for a client or colleague and discuss how to flex behavior to build rapport.  Also how to mismatch effectively.

    Introduce I We You and the related canvases:

    - Getting meetings with busy people
    - Setting the conversation environment

    Post the workshop, you will be asked to submit two I We You meeting requests.

    At the start of the second workshop you will be asked to share at least one I We You frame that you have used.

    Pre-workshop 2
    Complete prior to second Zoom meeting

    1) Script an I We You email and submit to instructor.

    2) Work through the Aligning behaviors with Prefrr canvas above.

    3) Work through the two canvases below and the related learning resources:
    - Curiosity, enthusiasm and understanding: engage buyers with SHAPE Questioning
    - Guiding to value with Value Sheets

    Looking forward to working online with you again this Wednesday!

    Accreditation Workshop 2 - Understanding clients better

    In the second workshop we will:

     - review the I We You emails created after Workshop 1

     - share Prefrr© scores and identify any interesting scores and patterns 

     - walk through the Application Canvas: Curiosity, enthusiasm and understanding: engage buyers with SHAPE Questioning

     - practice asking SHAPE questions "in the moment"

     - walk through the Application Canvas: Guiding to value with Value Sheets

     - try out using a Value Sheet

    That's it!

    Pre-workshop 3
    Complete prior to third Zoom meeting

    As we have some time before our next session we can use the time to round out our understanding of Prefrr© and add some color to SHAPE Questioning followed by a little application.

    First up, test your understanding of the Prefrr© framework by noting the behaviors that are potentially indicated in the example below. 
    Click to access the MS-Word file, then please send through to me when you've noted down your thoughts.
    Moving on to SHAPE Questioning, below is an example of two different teams participating in the UK version of The Apprentice TV program, asking questions of a husband-and-wife artist team that they'd like to work with.

    As you watch, listen out for types of SHAPE question asked and also think about Prefrr© behaviors.
    How did the questioners' own preferred behaviors and/or a consideration of the artists' preferred behaviors contribute to the questions asked and the way that they were asked?

    Write your awesome label here.
    Next, test your application of flexible SHAPE questioning with the 4 examples in the file below. 
    Again, click to access the MS-Word file, then please send through to me when you've noted down your thoughts.

    In preparation for workshop 3, enjoy the two video clips below.  While the scenarios may not fit our world, the behaviors exhibited by those presenting their ideas are not untypical: the self-focus (recall the Trust equation?); use of big words to make us feel better about ourselves; the lack of differentiation - and so much more!

    The first clip from The Apprentice follows on from the previous clip.  
    Write your awesome label here.
    This next clip is from the American TV series Entourage.  In the clip below, we see "Vinnie" the movie-star canvassing other acting agencies because he is unhappy with his friend and current agent "Aary".  Accompanied by his manager (known as "E"), Vinnie gets pitched to by 3 different agencies.
    Write your awesome label here.
    The final part of the pre-work before Workshop 3 is to work through the two canvas modules below and script one Need-Feature-Benefit statement plus recall an example from your experience and structure that example using Need-Feature-Benefit.

    We will share the N-F-B statements and examples (stories) in Workshop 3.

    If any of the pre-work tasks or guidance is not clear, please let me know so that I can help.

    Accreditation Workshop 3 - Prefrr©, Value Sheets and Need-Feature-Benefit

    In this third workshop we will:

     - review Prefrr©; share scores and identify any interesting scores and patterns

    .- practice asking SHAPE questions "in the moment"

     - walk through the Application Canvas: Guiding to value with Value Sheets

     - share and review examples of N-F-B statements and examples (stories)

     - review the Application Canvases: Positioning for impact with N-F-B and Proving capability to give comfort

    Pre-workshop 4

    Complete prior to fourth Zoom meeting

    We are nearing the end of our scheduled certification sessions.

    The session last time exploring SHAPE was an important one as understanding SHAPE, I We You and N-F-B are key to mastering the whole IoweU approach. These are the three elements that have the biggest impact as regards differentiating how we do things versus how everyone else does things.

    Of course, using these tools without adopting a "helping mindset" will not build trust.

    While doing the SHAPE practice, I highlighted that when asking questions, identifying each specific type of question is less important than understanding what information you're looking to gain from asking the question. I said that I'd send the image that we use to reinforce this point - a complete picture of what is in your client's head. 

    Note that Outcomes are typically expressed in terms of "like", "want" or "need" to do. These are in escalating sense of significance. You may have heard the saying that you cannot sell until you've identified a need, so getting clients to express that they need to make a change is critical to success.

    Before the next session, to ensure we've covered the key tools that you will introduce to your colleagues, we need to take a look at Value Sheets and CC Notes.  Also practice writing N-F-B statements and sharing examples of Henley & Partners' work using the N-F-B structure to ensure that our examples are concise and impactful.

    N-F-B Actiivity
    Think of a point of difference for H&P, e.g.
    "We advise many governements on their long-term visa programs"
    then take the point you've chosen and turn it into a Need-Feature-Benefit statement.  

    Also, take a point of difference, either the same as above, or a different one if you want to stretch yourself a bit, and give an example of something H&P has done that proves capability on this point.  Note that your example must be something that has been done, not something that H&P can do. 

    Please send through both examples to me in the format:

    Need: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Feature: yyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    Benefit: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    before the end of your day,
    Tuesday, May 28th.

    Value Sheets were included in pre-work for Workshop 2, so you may well have reviewed that canvas and the related learning already.
    If not, or if your recollection needs refreshing, take another look.

    Also review the CC Notes canvas and related learning.

    Accreditation Workshop 4 - SHAPE, Value Sheets, N-F-B and CC Notes

    The plan for Workshop 4  is as follows:

    - start by sharing examples of use of the tools already covered

    - quick-fire SHAPE Questioning
    - Value Sheet activity
    - review your N-F-B statements and N-F-B structured examples
    - walk through CC Note canvas and critiique CC Note examples

    This is a lot to cover in two hours so likely we will need to prioritize and postpone some elements.

    There will be a 5th workshop, as yet unscheduled, where each of you will do a "teach-back of one of the key IoweU™ tools.  Topics will be allocated during workshop 4.