Do not miss!

Exclusive One-Time Offer!

Expand your arsenal of relationship-building sales skills further and land more new clients out of the meetings you can now get into with this exclusive, one-time offer:

The Relationship Capital
Fundamentals Bundle

45% OFF
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Make every new meeting you land count by mastering the fundamentals of relationship-based sales, and learning how to effectively and ethically lead the conversation towards starting mutually beneficial business relationships.

  • Positioning for Impact with N-F-B (Valued at USD 25)
  • Proving Capability to Give Comfort: Simple Storytelling with N-F-B (Valued at USD 25)
  • Handling Queries - Mindset and Approach (Valued at USD 25)
  • Handling Queries - In the Spotlight (Valued at USD 30)

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Total Value:
USD 110

Exclusive Bundle Deal Price:
USD 60
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